Open registration: Battlefield Tour Rhineland Offensive
22-03-2025 | 10:00 - 16:00 | Fieldtrips
The Rhineland Offensive consisted of five military operations in the period from 8 February to 25 March 1945. The Battlefield Tour Rhineland Offensive takes you back in time. In a bus with an expert guide, you will visit key locations of this military operation. The guide will tell you in detail what happened at that location, what choices had to be made and what details led to success. All this is supported by maps and detailed photos from that time. A complete and varied picture of a special military operation that heralded the end of the Second World War.
- Introduction at the Freedom Museum
- Start of the route outside the museum
- Route along (among others) the starting line of Operation Veritable, Siegfried Line, Klinik Bedburg-Hau, Hochwald Gap, Wesel and the Canadian cemetery Groesbeek
Please note! Lunch is not included in this program, so we recommend that you bring your own lunch.
On Saturday 22 March, a Battlefield Tour about the Rhineland Offensive will take place based on open registration. Start is at 10:00, ending around 16:00. Participation costs €70,- p.p. Registration is possible via, up to and including March 9.